Apr 25, 2010

Sumatra Indonesia

Sumatra (also spelled Sumatera) is located in Indonesia, is the sixth largest island in the world, with an area of 443,065.8 km2. Residents of this island of about 42.40951 million inhabitants (2000). The island is also known by another name ie percha Island, Newcastle, or Suwarnadwipa (Sanskrit, meaning "island of gold"). Later in the year 1286 inscription carved Padang Roco swarnnabhūmi and Bhumi Malay to refer to this island. Furthermore, in the land of the manuscript from the 14th century was also re-called "Earth Malay" to the island.

Origin of name originated from the existence of the Kingdom of Sumatra Ocean (located on the east coast of Aceh).
Beginning with the visit of Ibn Batuta, adventurers into the country of origin Morocco in 1345, he pronounced the word became Samatrah Ocean, and later became Sumatra or Sumatra, the next name listed in the maps made by 16th-century Portuguese, to be referred on this island , so that later became known widely until now.


Sumatra Island is located in the western cluster of islands of the archipelago. In the north bordering the Bay of Bengal, east of the Strait of Malacca, on the south by the Strait of Sunda, and on the west by the Indian Ocean. To the east of the island, met many of the swamp is streamed by the major rivers, among others; shavings (North Sumatra), Kampar, Siak and Indragiri River (Riau), Batang Hari (West Sumatra, Jambi), Ketahun (Bengkulu), Musi , Ogan, Lematang, Komering (South Sumatra), and Way Linear (Lampung).

In the western part of the island, lies the Barisan Mountains stretching from north to south. Only a few regions of the island is suitable for rice farming. Along the mountain chain there are volcanoes that are still active, such as Merapi (West Sumatra), Bukit KabaBengkulu) and Kerinci (Jambi). Sumatra island also has many large lakes, among them Laut Tawar (Aceh), Lake Toba (North Sumatra), Lake Batur, Lake Maninjau, Above Lake, and Lake Under (West Sumatra), and the Lake Ranau (Lampung and Bengkulu).


The original name of Sumatra, as recorded in historical sources and folklore, is the "Island of Gold". The term island ameh (Minangkabau language, means the island of gold), we have encountered in the story Cindur Eyes of Minangkabau. In Lampung folklore mas Tanoh names listed for mention of the island of Sumatra. A traveler from China, named I-Tsing (634-713), who for years lived in Sriwijaya (Palembang now) in the 7th century, called Sumatra with a chin-Chou, which means "golden land".

In various inscriptions, Sumatra, called by the Sanskrit name: Suwarnadwipa ("island of gold") or Suwarnabhumi ("golden land"). These names have been used in Indian manuscripts before AD. Buddhist manuscripts including the oldest, Jataka Book, tells the sailors to cross the Bay of Bengal to India Suwarnabhumi. In the story narrated Ramayana Sinta Dewi search, Ravana kidnapped Rama's wife, to Suwarnadwipa.

The Arab traveler called Sumatra by the name of Serendib (precisely: Suwarandib), transliteration of the name Suwarnadwipa. Abu Raihan al-Biruni, Persian geographers who visited Srivijaya in 1030, saying the country located on the island Suwarandib Sriwijaya. But there are also people who identify with the Sri Lanka Serendib, who never called Suwarnadwipa.

Among the ancient Greeks, already known by the name of Sumatra Taprobana. Name Taprobana insula has been used by Klaudios Ptolemaios, Greek geographer of the second century AD, exactly 165 years, when he describes the Southeast Asian region in his work Geographike Hyphegesis. Ptolemaios wrote that on the island there Taprobana Barousai country. Maybe once the country is meant as Barus on the west coast of Sumatra, which is famous since ancient times as a producer of mothballs.

70 years old Greek manuscripts, Periplous Thalasses Erythras tests, revealed that Taprobana also called chryse nesos, which means 'island of gold'. Since ancient times the merchants of the area around the Mediterranean had come to the archipelago, especially Sumatra. In addition to searching for gold, they are looking for incense (Styrax sumatrana) and camphor (Dryobalanops aromatica), which now exists only in Sumatra. Conversely, traders were already peddling Nusantara their commodities to the West Asia and East Africa, as contained in the script work Naturalis Historia the first century AD Plini.

In the book of the Jewish people, Melakim (Kings), chapter 9, explained that the Prophet Sulayman king of Israel, received 420 talents of gold from Hiram, king of Tyre who became his subordinate. The gold was obtained from the land of Ophir. Book Al-Qur'an, Surat Al-Anbiya '81, explained that the ships of the Prophet Sulayman sailed to the "land which We have blessed them" (al-l-Lati Ardha-Na fiha barracks).

Many historians argue that the country Ophir was located in Sumatra. It should be noted, the city of Tyre was the center of the marketing of goods from the Far East. Ptolemaios wrote Geographike Hyphegesis based on information from a merchant named Marinus of Tyre. And many European adventurers in the 15th century and 16th looking for gold to Sumatra with the assumption that therein lies the land of the Prophet Sulayman Ofir

Ocean to Sumatra

The name comes from the name Ocean Sumatra, the kingdom of Aceh in the 13th century and the 14th. European travelersKalimantan, which was once called, from the name of Brunei, the island's northern region which first visited by Europeans. Similarly Lombok island was named Selaparang, while Lombok is a region on the east coast of the island Selaparang which first visited the Portuguese sailors.

Ocean Transition (a kingdom) to Sumatra (island name) interesting to navigate. Odorico da Pardenone in the story of the voyage in 1318 mentions that he sailed to the east of the Coromandel, India for 20 days, and arrived in the kingdom Sumoltra. Told in the book of Ibn Bathutah Rihlah ila l-Masyriq (odyssey to the East) that in 1345 he stopped at the royal Samatrah. In the next century, a country or a kingdom of Aceh was taken over by another traveler-traveler to mention the entire island.

In 1490 Ibn Majid create a map of the area around the Indian Ocean island and there is written Samatrah.
Map Ibn Majid was copied by the year 1498 and emerged Roteiro Camatarra name. Map made by Amerigo Vespucci in 1501 Samatara names, while the map Masser in 1506 led to a Samatra. Ruy d'Araujo in 1510 called the island Camatra, and Alfonso Albuquerque in 1512 wrote Camatora. Antonio Pigafetta in 1521 wearing a rather 'true': Somatra. But so many other travelers who notes more 'chaotic' wrote: Samoterra, Samotra, Sumotra, even Zamatra and Zamatora.

The records of the Dutch and English, since Jan Huygen van Linschoten and Sir Francis Drake's 16th century, always consistent in the writing of Sumatra. This became a standard shape, and then adapted to the tongue Indonesia: Sumatra
