Apr 25, 2010

Jawa, Indonesia

Java is the name of an island in Indonesia. This island is the most populated island, the island's densely populated, and the thirteenth largest island in the world. Size 138,793.6 km2 island with a population of around 124 million inhabitants (density of 979 inhabitants per km2). Java Island residents are mostly Javanese and Sundanese. Sundanese tribe residing mainly in the western side of Java Island, while Javanese living in the middle and east. In west Java, many are also pockets of tribal communities of Java or Java-speaking tribes. While in the middle of the island of Java were also found pockets of the community or tribe Sunda Sundanese-speaking tribes, especially in Brebes and Cilacap district. In addition there is also the Madurese, and tribes in East Java and Bali Betawi tribes in the west Java city of Jakarta and surrounding areas.

Java administratively composed of six provinces:

* Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province
* Banten Province
* West Java Province
* Central Java Province
* East Java Province
* Yogyakarta Special Region

This island is part of the Greater Sunda group of islands and the Sunda shelf, which in the period before the ice melts is the southeastern tip of continental Asia.


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